Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Spazio anche più che tempo«, 1970. Electric cable and glue on canvas
89 x 80 cm, framed: 102 x 92,3 x 7,1 cm. Unique.
Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Autorattristatrice«, 1969. Various materials and mixed media on canvas. 110 x 110 cm. Framed : 123 x 122 x 5 cm. Unique.
Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Luogo e segni«, 1974. Mixed media and rubber on protective foil. 151 x 120 cm. Framed: 153,5 x 124 x 4,6 cm. Unique.
Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Bricolage«, 1966. Various materials and mixed media on canvas. 102 x 72 cm. Framed : 113,8 x 84,3 x 6 cm. Unique.
»Frammenti«, 2003. Interview with Carol Rama by Beppe Calopresti. DVD. Duration 31 minutes.
Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Bricolage«, 1969. Various materials and mixed media on cardboard. 53.5 x 79.5 cm. Framed : 70,5 x 86,2 x 7 cm. Unique
Bricolage, 1969. Various materials and mixed media on cardboard. 53.5 x 79 cm. Framed : 70,5 x 86,2 x 7 cm. Unique.
Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Autoritratto«, 1937. Oil on canvas board. 35 x 28 cm. Framed: 53,7 x 64,3 x 4 cm. Unique.
»Smentire il bianco«, 1973. Rubber on canvas. 200 x 150 cm. Framed: 208,5 x 158,7 x 7 cm. Unique.
Installation view: »Spazio Anche Piu Che Tempo«, A selection of works by Carol Rama from the 1930s to the 1980s, Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie, Berlin, 12.09.12—13.10.12
»Le parche rosse«, 1944. Oil on canvas. 61.5 x 50.5 x 2 cm. Framed : 93,7 x 84,3 x 7 cm. Unique.
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