Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Danny McDonald, Do You Believe In The Future: Part III, 2010-2015, broken silver coated globe, green energy saving bulb, black wooden plinth, 154 x 32 x 32 cm
Danny McDonald, Mindy Vale's Vanity Workstation, 2010-2015, lights, mirror, mixed media
Danny McDonald, Mindy Vale's Vanity Workstation, 2010-2015, lights, mirror, mixed media
Danny McDonald, Mindy Vale's Vanity Workstation (detail), 2010-2015, lights, mirror, mixed media
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Danny McDonald, Medicine Woman, 2015, ceramic Disney witch, glass bell jar, day-glo tulle, fake grass, glitter, yarn, corn cob pipe
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan) (video still), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Danny McDonald, Nut Rage, 2015, plastic chain, metal cage, animatronic head, artificial resin testicles, porn, 1.88 cm from floor
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Danny McDonald, Tragic Relativity, 2015, ceramic lacquer, Pieta, ceramic tragedy mask, TV remote control, spoon with imitation icecream, 1993 TV guide (Richard Simmons cover), miniature carpet, 20 x 27 x 27 cm
Danny McDonald, Tragic Relativity, 2015, ceramic lacquer, Pieta, ceramic tragedy mask, TV remote control, spoon with imitation icecream, 1993 TV guide (Richard Simmons cover), miniature carpet, 20 x 27 x 27 cm
Danny McDonald, This is What Happened, 2015, Uncle Sam action figure, plastic leather vintage hair and doll beads, 39 x 22 x 22 cm
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Danny McDonald, The Speculator, 2015, antique top hat, styrofoam skull, wrestler legs, glass monocle, chain, crystal, broken globe, 73 x 40 x 30 cm
Danny McDonald, The Speculator, 2015, antique top hat, styrofoam skull, wrestler legs, glass monocle, chain, crystal, broken globe, 73 x 40 x 30 cm
Danny McDonald, The Speculator (detail), 2015, antique top hat, styrofoam skull, wrestler legs, glass monocle, chain, crystal, broken globe, 73 x 40 x 30 cm
Danny McDonald, A brief History of a Electricity, 2015, plastic, Frankenstein head, Vinyl Borg, bust, plastic, electric chair, figure, Thomas Edison action figure, plastic knife, string, 96 x 22 x 20 cm
Danny McDonald, Knowledge is Power, 2015, animatronic hand (vinyl mechanism, rings, plastic witch's nose, disney witch, plastic apple core, brass bowl, painted brass cobra, 63 x 20 x 20 cm
Installation view: Danny McDonald, The Beads (That Bought Manhattan), Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 24.02.15—02.04.15
Danny McDonald, The Last of his Kind at The End of The Line, 2015, plastic dinosaur, novelty straw, rainbow yarn, 22 x 27 x 27 cm
Danny McDonald, The Last of his Kind at The End of The Line, 2015, plastic dinosaur, novelty straw, rainbow yarn, 22 x 27 x 27 cm
Danny McDonald, Alfred in Tulle, 2015, door, resin life cast of Alfred Hitchcock, tulle, 227 x 60 x 43 cm
Danny McDonald, Alfred in Tulle, 2015, door, resin life cast of Alfred Hitchcock, tulle, 227 x 60 x 43 cm
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan) (video still), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan) (video still), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
Danny McDonald, THE BEADS (That Bought Manhattan) (detail), 2013-2015, six channel video installation, mixed media
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